
My Digital Media experience was pretty fun actually, at first i thought this class was going to be a boring class but we got to do a lot of fun things and i got to learn a lot about Adobe applications. My favorite unit was probably Illustrator because it was fun to work with and it was really easy. We also got to make a lot of cool things with illustrator like the old time tv and our personal logo. Digital media has also helped me in other classes, for an example its helped me in computer applications by showing me some shortcuts on the keypad that is a lot easier to use. Its also shown me how to Put FX’s on my pictures and words.

This class has also helped me socialize with others, like in the premiere project when we did a music video recreate.  The only thing hard is this class was the questions on blackboard but if you payed attention in class then they should be really easy. I would encourage you to take this class it’s really fun and you won’t get bored easily.

This is my Collage

camren photoshop